May 13th, 2010

One-Minute Ribeye Steak Video

Gordon Ramsay shows us in one minute how to cook excellent, flavorful ribeye steaks with artichokes. Delectable!

Now, it will take YOU longer than one minute to prepare these, you know. But this video shows you how to do it in just a minute. Spectacular!

You can’t go wrong with Gordo’s advice.

Think he’ll hunt me down and hurt me for calling him Gordo?

Sorry. Gordo.

Enjoy! And let me know how yours turn out.

Video courtesy of

April 30th, 2010

Mmmm, Chili Beef Steak

Oh, yeah. These guys know barbecue. And they know steak.

Put them both together and you have a dream come true.

In this video, this BBQ Pit Guys show us how to use a fantastic rub and cover that gorgeous steak in fresh salsa.


March 3rd, 2010

World’s Most Delicious Steak

I wonder if it knows the World’s Most Interesting Man???

Anyway, this video purports to show you how to make a steak that rates as “most delicious.” We’ll let you be the judge of that.

This is the way they do it in Southern Brazil. Now that’s awesome — and a long way from where I live.

Check it out!

World’s Most Delicious SteakFunny videos are here

Video courtesy of
