June 27th, 2012

Philly Cheese Steak Video

Oh, wow. This video shows us how amazingly easy it is to make our own Philly Cheese Steak sandwiches at home.

Seriously. It’s so easy it’s embarrassing.

Our Aussie friend takes boneless ribeyes in the video and slices them up really nice and thin.

BUT . . . you can make it even easier on yourself and use this beautiful Top Sirloin that’s already sliced for you. No cutting!

When you watch the video — which is less than two minutes long — see if you can keep your mouth from watering.

I couldn’t. The sight of that melted cheese and sizzling beef got to me.

Happy videoing!

June 6th, 2012

Fresh vs. Aged Beef

Here’s an informative video about the benefits of choosing aged beef (think flavor and tenderness) over “fresh” beef.

The term is misleading because, sure, we all want something that is “fresh” but aged is definitely the better way to go when you’re talking steak.

It’s cool to know the science behind it all. And dude is wearing a lab coat so you know he knows stuff. 😉

Check it out and then YOU will be in the know!

May 31st, 2012

Bourbon Steak Sauce Video

In this video, Chef Jason Hill shows us how to make an awesome Bourbon Steak Sauce.

It’s got rosemary and lots of other goodness whisked in. Such a great complement to a nice cut of beef.

Homemade is always best so try this the next time you’re grilling up a gorgeous steak.

And let me know how your sauce turns out!
