June 29th, 2012

Ask a Beautiful Woman How to Grill the Perfect Steak

Esquire has a great series called “Ask a Beautiful Woman” and there are endless subjects covered by these lovely ladies.

This one is my favorite — “Ask a Beautiful Woman How to Grill the Perfect Steak.”

In this video, model Trish Goff tells us how to make sure our steaks are grilled to perfection.  i.e. Not burned, seasoned perfectly, tender and juicy.

Check it out! And while you’re eating your perfectly grilled steak, thank a beautiful woman!

August 18th, 2011

5 Simple Steps to the Perfect Steak


Oh, how I love the ribeye.

It makes me happy. Gives me joy. Satisfies my meaty urges.

I’m gonna guess you like them too. Wanna make yours “perfect?”

Southtier has compiled five easy steps to achieve just that.

Knowing me, I’ll mess one up and achieve a pretty great steak – just missing the perfect mark.

But hey, a “pretty great” steak still surpasses anything else I could possibly eat. So there.

Maybe you’ll fare better.

Check out Southtier’s five steps here. And let me know if yours turns out perfect also!

Photo courtesy of Southtier.com
