March 1st, 2012

Steak At Home

I love it when this . . .

…and this…

…is the evening’s entertainment.

Seriously, give us a ribeye and a Kansas City strip steak and my hubby and I are occupied for hours.

Preparing a marinade, letting them sit, grilling and anticipating, eating and THEN talking about how good the steaks were.

That takes, what, all day long?

Oh, the joy of eating a beautiful meal! It’s one of life’s best gifts. And when I can enjoy it at home – it’s even better.

Here’s to simple pleasures!

P.S. Do you like the blue lights on the grill? They don’t do anything but they sure are cool at night!

December 30th, 2011

Strip Steak to Ring in the New Year

Get ready to welcome 2012!

To me, the best way to celebrate ANYTHING is with a steak. In fact, that’s what I will be doing Saturday night.

In this great article by the great Wolfgang Puck he refers to the strip steak as “beef’s equivalent to the tuxedo, clean-lined and elegant.”

THAT, he says, is the way to ring in the new year.

And I couldn’t agree more.

Click here to read Puck’s descriptive tale of the beautiful strip and take special note of his recipe for roasted strip steak with port wine mustard sauce.

Any time you can get your hands on a Wolfgang Puck recipe, you know it’s going to be good!

Have a wonderful new year celebration and I’ll catch you again in 2012 — after you’ve enjoyed an AMAZING strip steak!

Excerpt courtesy of Wolfgang Puck via

Photo courtesy of

December 16th, 2011

Stolen Steaks

America’s retailers have compiled a list of the country’s most shoplifted items. Want to know what was number one?

Filet mignon.

Writer John Kass questioned his friends on this topic and got this in response . . .

“Really?” asked a hard-boiled journalist who knows steak. “Filet mignon? Don’t these thieves have any taste buds? You’d think they’d steal something with flavor, like a nice Kansas City strip.”

(There they are together in the photo above. You decide. Which one is better?)

Kass then goes on to share his favorite steak sauce recipe just in case the thieves find those tender filets delicious, yet lacking in taste.

Click here to get that recipe and to read about some other steak-related mishaps from Kass’ childhood.

It’s a Steakapalooza of stories!

Have a great weekend – and if you’ve got a hankering for a steak, my advice is to BUY some!

Excerpt courtesy of John Kass via

Photo courtesy of
