August 16th, 2013

Burger + Croissant + Donut

Behold the cronut. It’s a work of food artistry and masterful advertising all at the same time.

It’s a croissant and donut; thus, a cronut.

BUT NOW, as is the way with these things, a Canadian thinker thought to himself, “I must build upon this tidal wave. I shall add a burger to the mix.”

And now we have the Burger Cronut. This one in particular is a “Maple Bacon Jam Cronut Burger.” Read more about it here.


Your thoughts? Is this genius? Or a shameful ride on a cresting wave?

Either way, I’ll take one!

Photo courtesy of CNWGroup/LeDolci via

July 4th, 2013

Best Burgers for Independence Day

Burgers for Independence Day

Wanna know what we’re cooking on this Independence Day?

Burgers – like most of America, I would suppose.

I mean, it doesn’t get any more American than burgers for Independence Day, does it?

But if you long for MORE than just burgers (or want some really great burger ideas) click here for some yummo July 4th recipes.

You’ll find recipes for patriotic desserts, grilled chicken and lots of other palate-pleasing fare.

Have fun this Independence Day and let’s all remember why we celebrate – this is the greatest country in the world!

Photo courtesy of

June 28th, 2013

Natural Born Griller

Is this little guy you?

I saw him in the supermarket (note the price tag) and actually thought about my husband. He’s got the grill thing down.

So what are you grilling this weekend? Hotdogs? Burgers? Steaks?

We’ve got a whole summer ahead of us to enjoy grilling weather. Check out some of these yummy grilling essentials – especially for your 4th of July celebration.

We should all whoop it up right! And Independence Day is just around the corner!
