August 15th, 2014

Summer Grilling 101

‘Tis the season — grilling season!

Summer is the most glorious time to fire it up and tend to some beautiful cuts of meat.

summer grilling 101

BUT, it can be not so pleasurable if you don’t know what you’re doing.

If you’re a newbie or just need a little refresher, here’s a quick Grilling 101 course for your summertime enjoyment…

  1. Selecting the best cut for the job depends on what you’re going for. Meaty and hearty or buttery tender? Make your cut decision after perusing this lesson on steak cuts and you won’t go wrong.
  2. Season it early. Don’t just throw a piece of meat on the grill naked. The art of seasoning is important. Read about its artistry and other steak grilling tips from a chef here.
  3. Searing your steak is very important. But don’t just take it from me. Check out these steak grilling videos from the experts.

After you’ve read these lessons and watched the videos, you should ace the true test — grilling a steak that passes with flying colors!

May 15th, 2014

Cooking Steak in Cast Iron Video

Have you ever cooked in cast iron? It’s amazing.

This video shows us how to cook a steak using the “constant flip method” in a cast iron skillet.

It’s so good I can smell the aroma through the screen!


Enjoy these amazing tips for cooking a perfect steak!

February 19th, 2014

American Heart Month: Honey Teriyaki Beef & Broccoli Salad Recipe

February is American Heart Month!

That means it’s time to break out our heart healthy beef ideas and enjoy them!

A favorite of mine is this Honey Teriyaki Beef & Broccoli Salad above. It’s light and fresh and good for you, too!

The recipe calls for yummy and delicious Beef Tenderloin Tips or Top Sirloin Tips. I love them! Click here for step by step instructions for this beefy salad.

It’s an easy way to be good to your heart this month and your taste buds, too!

Photo courtesy of
