January 23rd, 2015

Complements for Steak

No, I don’t mean, “Hello, steak, you’re looking delicious today.” That’s a compliment.

Complements for Steak

I mean things that complement a steak – like a luscious steak butter melting on top or a mushroom garnish.

One of my favorite things to do is grill up a bunch of filet mignons and serve them with different steak butters – like roasted garlic, tomato chipotle or Tuscan herb flavors.

Everyone can choose their favorite taste!

Filet with Finishing Salt

Another delicious complement is a nice finishing salt.

Now, when my dad taught me how to grill a steak, he never said anything about finishing salts. But sprinkling on a salt flavored with rosemary or garlic gives your steak an edge that kicks your grillmaster status up a notch or two.

Filet Mignon with Sauce

Then, there’s the almighty steak sauce. A perfectly blended steak sauce brings out the richness in your steaks and makes sure it’s a steak you’ll remember.

These are my favorite complements for steak. What are yours?

October 7th, 2008

Steak-Flavored Foods . . .

. . . they’re not just for dogs anymore.

Check these out:

Uh, yeah. Bubbled chips. T-bone steak flavor. Yee-haw!

If I’m not mistaken, this snack is English. So, basically, this is how our friends in the U.K. view us.

Let’s think about that for a moment.


Here’s a quote from one reviewer of this delicious snack food . . .

Odd smell, smells kind of like steak sauce. But something else is weird in there too.

Mmmm. Yummy. Where can I buy these? I must have them.

As a steak lover, I am a bit insulted. Cause, honestly, nothing can replicate the taste, the juiciness, the entire experience of a well-cooked steak.

Not even bubbled chips. Whatever those are.

Check out more of the review here. And don’t say I didn’t warn ya.

Quote and photo courtesy of taquitos.net.
