June 6th, 2012

Fresh vs. Aged Beef

Here’s an informative video about the benefits of choosing aged beef (think flavor and tenderness) over “fresh” beef.

The term is misleading because, sure, we all want something that is “fresh” but aged is definitely the better way to go when you’re talking steak.

It’s cool to know the science behind it all. And dude is wearing a lab coat so you know he knows stuff. 😉

Check it out and then YOU will be in the know!

May 18th, 2012

And the Steak Jumped Over the Moon

A little chart for ya on this educational Friday.

For the older kids, this chart’ll help you learn where each cut of beef comes from on the cow. Take notes, because there WILL be a test later.

And for you younger ones, well, just enjoy an age-old nursery rhyme involving a cow jumping over the moon.

That’s enough learning for today. My head hurts now.

And I’m hungry.

Happy Friday, everyone!

Photo courtesy of Kenny Harrison/The Times-Picayune.

April 5th, 2012

Ultimate Steak Manual

Shortlist.com has created an “Ultimate Steak Manual” so that we can all prevail in the “battle of the beef.”

Translation:  You can one-up your friends when it comes to cooking the best steak dinner.

And that’s a cause I can get behind.

But, in order to create the ultimate steak experience, one must first educate oneself on all matters beefy.

Here, the Shortlist provides us a guide so that we can get a leg up on the competition. From knowing your cuts of beef to pairing the perfect wine, this guide has it all.

An educated competitor is one to be reckoned with. So read up, my friends – then get out there and win the battle of the beef!

Photo courtesy of Shortlist.com.
