August 12th, 2010

Man-Sized Steak

We visited some dear friends last weekend. To make things even better, we caught up over some hearty, juicy steaks.

One of our buds set his sights on this baby . . .

Yes, siree. That’s a 25-oz. Porterhouse. I know, I know. The photo quality leaves a lot to be desired. Cell phone. Darkly-lit restaurant. You do what you can.

Anyway, you might think our friend had a nice little doggie bag to take home with him.

Think again.

Every inch of that Porterhouse was devoured. As was everyone else’s. Ribeyes, filets — delicious meats.

I can’t think of a better way to enjoy a friendship than over a great steak — can you?

May 21st, 2010

Celebrate a Win With Steak!

The article below cracks me up! These lottery winners are celebrating their big take with a steak dinner.

See? We always celebrate the best things in life with steak! Birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, etc. Now — a lottery win!

This phenomenon is apparently seen the world over since this article is from New Zealand.

Steak: It’s universal.

Steak dinner for Lotto winners

A group of Christchurch flatmates are dining out on a big Lotto win with a steak dinner.

The flatmates’ syndicate decided to upgrade their dinner menu after discovering a six-month-old Lotto ticket worth $250,000.

One flatmate checked a handful of old tickets while out doing the groceries.

“At first I thought we had won $25, but then I saw all the zeros on the end…it was so exciting and I still can’t really believe it,” she said.

“None of us have very healthy bank accounts, so this win has come at such a good time for us. We won’t be having mince on the menu tonight at the flat – we can upgrade to a steak dinner.”

Their ticket, sold at the New Brighton Paper Plus on November 14, was part of the Lotto Wishlist promotion.

NZ Lotteries’ chief executive Todd McLeay said it was unusual for a prize to be claimed six months after the draw.

“Usually we hear from our excited big prize winners within a week or two,” he said.

“However, this is a good reminder to always check your tickets — as every year we have several prizes that expire before they are claimed.”


Article courtesy of

Photo courtesy of

February 12th, 2010

V-Day Steak, Here I Come!

Well, friends, can you guess what I will be dining on this Valentine’s Day?

Okay, you guessed it.

But, though you mock me, I will still immensely enjoy my very predictable, very delicious, steak dinner.

It’s love to me.

What are you doing to celebrate this day of amour? I hope it involves steak.

Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!

Photo courtesy of
