July 20th, 2012

Beautiful Filet

It’s Friday. And sometimes all I want to do after a tough week is look at purdy pictures. And in the event you feel the same way, here you go…

Look at that thick, thick filet mignon and the huge dollop of garlic and herb steak butter.

I think I am in love.

Here’s another angle. . .

And finally, the meal in action. . .

These gorgeous works of art come to us courtesy of WhitsAmuseBouche.com where she gives us all the nitty gritty about this gorgeous filet meal. Check it out.

If this isn’t the best way to get your weekend started, I don’t know what is! Enjoy!

Photos courtesy of WhitsAmuseBouche.com.

July 6th, 2012

Steak Artistry

Sometimes a beautiful steak dinner is more like a work of art.

THIS is one of those times.

I knew you, my friends, would appreciate the artistry of this beautifully constructed meal.

Can’t you just taste it?

That’s the sign of a true artist. This touched me, so it did its job.

Steak tonight, anyone? 🙂

Photo courtesy of NoelBarnhurst.com via Pinterest.com.

May 13th, 2011

Vroom Vroom Steak

For those of you who love fast cars and faster steak, I give you this . . .

Nothing like mixing two loves. This, however, is a bit bizarre. Even for me.

Art is in the eye of the beholder – or is that beauty? Anyway, if it speaks to you, it’s done its job.

As a steak lover, does this speak to you? And if so, what exactly does it say???

Photo courtesy of LOLGallery.com.
