January 20th, 2009

Eat Like a President

What an amazing day for our country.

We now have installed the 44th president — a peaceful transfer of power.  The way it’s supposed to be.


We have no royalty in the United States (Paris Hilton not withstanding) so our current and past presidents want YOU to know they are not going to dine as such on your dime.

Check out what’s being said about their menu selections from a recent lunchtime “meeting of the minds” involving past presidents and our current president . . .

The economy being what it is, it was in none of their interests to have the media report they had dined on champagne, caviar and foie gras, and so aides were at pains to point out that the five ordered from the White House Mess, the navy-run staff restaurant that is nevertheless, to be candid, one or two notches up from the average office canteen. The menu is described as “traditional American”, and during the outgoing president’s time in office has featured the White House Signature Steak, the West Wing Burger, spaghetti marinara, shrimp prepared with herbs and mustard, and a dish called Chocolate Freedom blending patriotism and calorific overload in a single dessert.

So, tonight, in honor of American presidents past and president — and heck, let’s throw in all Americans everywhere — I urge you to create your own “Signature Steak” and promptly gobble it up.

Fanfare, speeches and motorcades are optional.

Do it for your country. You know you wanna.

Excerpt courtesy of justsamachar.com.

Photo courtesy of foxnews.com.

January 12th, 2009

Presidential Fare

With the inauguration of President-Elect Obama coming up, I got to thinking, what does one eat at an inaugural ball?

In later years, it seems to have gotten out of hand, these balls. At last count, the Obamas will be attending 10 official inaugural balls.

I’m so confused. We need 10 of these?

There’s no way they can eat at all of them.

So I decided to check out the menus from simpler days. You know, when they only had ONE inaugural ball to attend.

Here’s President Lincoln’s inaugural ball menu. So cool . . .


Did you see all those beef choices? And what is beef a la mode? Or beef a l’anglais?

Whatever they are, they sound delectable. Perhaps one could spread some Calfsfoot and Wine Jelly on them? 

Back then there was no tofu or soyburger in sight.  I always knew I liked that Lincoln.

Menu courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution.
