February 3rd, 2014

What’s a Wedding Without Bacon?

Is this your idea of a dream wedding?

When you were little and dreamt of your wedding day did it include bacon?

I can’t say my thoughts were ever pork related. But, really, that’s just because I didn’t know it was possible!

This couple has been described as “pork obsessed” and chose to tie the knot at the Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival in Des Moines, Iowa.

And when asked about his bride, the groom lovingly replied, “She’s second only to bacon.”

Now that’s true love.

Read more about bacon weddings here – and maybe you can gather some ideas for your own ceremony!

Photo courtesy of DailyMail.co.uk.

December 30th, 2013

New Year’s Eve Food Fun

Well, folks, the new year is upon us! And we’ve gotta do all we can to make 2014 the best it can be.

Did you know there are foods that can help with that? That’s how the story goes, anyway.

For instance, pork is considered a lucky food to eat to ring in the new year. A pig’s rotund form is a symbol of wealth.

Fish, too, is a lucky food. Their scales represent money and the fact that they swim in schools means abundance.

Hey, I don’t make this stuff up. It’s just what the people say. Read about more lucky New Year foods here.

If you’re feeling lucky, try some of these out this NYE. And, if nothing, you’ll get a great meal out of the deal!

Photo courtesy of KansasCitySteaks.com.

October 15th, 2013

Beefy Fall Recipes

Oh, autumn, how I love thee!

This time of year makes me want to break out all the yummy fall recipes that make us feel warm and cozy inside.

And this autumn recipe is a wonderful way to spend a chilly fall evening — Baked Stuffed Squash with Beef, Black Beans and Chili Seasonings.

Anything baked at this time of year is absolutely perfect to me. And baked beef? Perfecto!!!

This one comes to us from SouthernFood.About.com’s “Top 15 Fall Recipes” collection. Click here to peruse it and find other yummy fall fare like pork loin, sweet and tart pot roast and beef stew with red wine.

Try them all and you’ll be covered this fall!

Photo courtesy of Diana Rattray via About.com.
