December 29th, 2010

Traditional New Year Recipe: Scottish Steak Pie

In Scotland, “Hogmanay” is an important festival celebrated on New Year’s Eve. And, of course, as with all festivals, there is FOOD!

This Scottish Steak Pie is a traditional favorite used to welcome in the new year. It’s got beef, beef sausages and onions cooked in beef stock and baked into a puff pastry.

For me, ‘nuf said.

Here’s the full recipe so you can wow your friends with this Scottish tradition on Friday night.


Photo courtesy of Andrea Black (Lacuna) via

January 6th, 2010

Happy New Year! Happy New Steak!

So, 2010 is here. How did you celebrate the turning of a new year — and a new decade?

For lots of people, a steak is the go-to thing for any kind of celebration.

I’m that kinda gal. Birthdays, anniversaries, business successes. I celebrate them all with a big, juicy steak.

In this article from D Magazine, readers discuss WHY the celebratory steak phenomenon is so prevalent.

My answer?

Steak is just good. Period.

How’s that for complicated?

See what you think! 

Photo courtesy of

December 31st, 2009

Steak Favorites of 2009

It’s New Year’s Eve and we are about to embark upon a new decade. Can you believe that?

So today I’d like to share with you my Top 10 Favorite Blog Posts of 2009. It’s been a year of great food and great adventures for me and my family. Thank you for coming along with us.


And . . . 2010 is full of promise. If I had a crystal ball, I’d see lots and lots of steak in my future. And yours.

But that’s just a guess.

Enjoy — and Happy New Year!!!!


1.  Jan. 3 — The Tenderest Tenderloin

2.  Jan. 23 — Here We Go Kabob-ing

3.  Feb. 19 — Three’s Company

4.  Feb. 27 — Enchilada Steak Pie Recipe

5.  Apr. 8 — Beef Recipe:  Prime Rib Roast and Yorkshire Pudding

6.  Jun. 26 — Pizza. Beef. Scrumptious.

7.  Jul. 22 — Beefy Sliders

8.  Sept. 25 — Dreamy Meatloaf

9.  Oct. 6 — Steak and Grilled Broccoli

10.  Dec. 10 — O Steaky Night
