June 10th, 2013

Beef Monster

I love it when playing with your food is deemed acceptable.

And New York artist Kasia Haupt has made it cool to do just that.

She’s created sandwich monsters as a form of art. And she’s getting raves for it.

The creation above is a Philly cheesesteak wonder. But perhaps this one is more your style…

Steak tartare maybe? You’ve got to admit, these show some incredible creativity! Check out all of Haupt’s food creations here.

What do you think? Do you like these monster sandwiches? Or do they make you lose your appetite?

Photos courtesy of Caters News Agency via DailyMail.co.uk.

June 7th, 2013

Grill Safety

It’s that time of year when we all venture out and take advantage of the glorious sunlight and grill away.

But how many of us have stopped to think about giving that grill a tune-up and brushing up on our grill safety?

I don’t know about you, but I’m just so giddy about grilling I usually just want to dive right in. But my husband always stops me – and does it the right way.

The grill is thoroughly cleaned, we use different plates and utensils for different meats and so on.

Are you up to speed on grilling best practices? Well, click here just to make sure. The folks at United Healthcare have put together some tips for staying healthy while grilling this summer.

That way, we can all keep grillin’ on in good health!!!

Photo courtesy of KansasCitySteaks.com.

June 6th, 2013

Test Your BBQ Knowledge

Did you know that the term “barbecue” might have come from the French barbe a queue? It means “from whiskers to tail” and refers to a time when an entire animal was cooked over an open fire.

Yeah, I didn’t either.

There are lots of other BBQ tidbits in “14 Things You May Not Know About Barbecue.”

Things like the fact that people in the Northeast are the most frequent barbecuers in the U.S. Sounds hard to believe to me. It seems like such a Southern thing.

Read on here for more barbecue trivia and test your knowledge. Even better, test it while you’re eating a burger, a steak, ribs, kabobs

Photo courtesy of KansasCitySteaks.com.
