September 21st, 2012

Sweet Autumn Steak Spice Rub

Tomorrow morning autumn officially begins. Yippee!!!

This time of year we welcome the cool weather, the changing leaves and the hearty meals of the chilly months.

So to kick your fall off right, try this yummy Sweet Autumn Spice Rub recipe on some gorgeous steaks this weekend. Kansas City strip steaks are suggested, but this rub would be wonderful on any cut you choose.

Click here for the full rub recipe. Welcome, autumn!!!

Photo courtesy of


May 17th, 2012

Kansas City Strip Steak Video

Oh. Yum.

It’s time to get outside and grill! Here’s a great video to help you get the most out of your Kansas City Strips.

It’s amazing how different cuts should be cooked slightly differently to enhance the cut’s flavor. You can really take it to a whole other level if you take the time to really know your beef.

Follow these instructions and see how it works for you!

Or…just watch and enjoy the beauty of a gorgeous steak. I just like to watch it sizzle and cook and imagine the smell.

Then, of course, it makes me want to go grill one.

Happy grilling!

February 27th, 2012

The Steak Debates

What do the ongoing political debates have to do with steak?


See, in my world, everything has something to do with steak. And, it seems, I am not alone.

Case in point:  This excerpt from a article about the recent debate between the Republican candidates…

“This was Rick Santorum’s first debate with front-runner status. That means it was his time to get grilled like a fine Kansas City steak. And I wouldn’t say he came out of it like a filet.”

Gorgeous word imagery. I’m getting hungry just thinking about how Santorum did.

And yes, all things lead back to steak. This was a hilarious analogy. And oh so fitting. But this is not the first time steak has played a part in the political landscape. Far from it.

All steak and no sizzle? Seen that one before. Steak dinners shared by heavy-hitters? Check. Celebratory steak barbecues? Every time.

It just goes to show you, steak is all around us – and you don’t have to look very hard to find it. Especially in the political arena.

And frankly THAT’S the kind of world I want my children to inherit. Let’s just see who plays the steak card best this time around.

Photo courtesy of

Excerpt courtesy of Todd Graham via
