July 23rd, 2009

Cuts of Steak

cuts of steak

I LOVE trying new cuts of steak because it gets me out of my comfort zone. I tend to gravitate toward my old standby favorite, the ribeye.

But, sometimes, I won’t try something because I don’t exactly know what I’m trying.

That’s why I like this handy-dandy little guide to all the different cuts of steak. It tells you just what you’re eating . . . and why.

Like ’em extremely tender? You need a filet mignon.

Want a firm, lean cut? Try a top sirloin.

You get the picture.

And speaking of pictures . . . that one at the top? It’s a Porterhouse.

Nice, huh? It’s got the best of both worlds, baby — strip and filet.

Click on the guide above and you can be edumacated too!

Photo courtesy of the Kansas City Steak Company.

July 13th, 2009

Easy Sweep”steaks”

Thought I’d share a little sweepstakes I came across with you since if you’re reading this YOU probably love steaks and grilling as much as I do.

It’s the “So Close So Easy Sweepstakes” sponsored by Fox Sports Radio, Blue Rhino (you know, the propane people) and the Kansas City Steak Company.

Basically, you send them your contact info for a chance to win this awesome stuff:

  • Gas grill
  • Blue Rhino propane
  • $500 Kansas City Steaks gift certificate
  • Prize package from Fox Sports Radio

You can go here for all the particulars on how to enter. You don’t have to buy anything, but send in your entry by July 19th or you’re out of luck!!

If YOU win (and that means I don’t) you HAVE to let me know so you can gloat and I can secretly pierce little kabobs into your skull in my mind congratulate you.

May the best enter-er win!!!

March 19th, 2009

The Steak Escape

Oh New York, you little minx you.

You lure me in with your amazing food, your Broadway shows, your action-packed lifestyle.

Then you hit me over the head with your walking — THE. CONSTANT. WALKING. — your curiously angry cab drivers, your incredibly massive crowds and your sky-high prices.

But, oh, I love you so.

I can’t help it.

The hubby and I are still reminiscing about our time in the big city. And if I concentrate really hard I can still taste the decadent food we were fortunate enough to sample.

First, I told you we’d be going to BLT Steak on the advice of reader Joe who sang its praises.

Well Joe was so, so right.

Check out the amazing strip steak that was presented to us . . .


I love the iron skillet each steak is served in. It keeps the meal really warm. Plus, it’s really cute.

We devoured our steaks in no time flat and the ambiance was lovely. Now, the bill was high and this is what always keeps me coming back to my own steaks at home.

I KNOW I can make just as good a meal at home. And I think I’ve discovered one of the most overlooked secrets to a great, juicy steak that ALL the good steakhouses know.

Steak butter.

Yes.  Steak butter.

You knew it was on there. Just look at that photo. It’s prominently placed right there on top.

They’re not trying to trick us by melting it first and calling it a “secret seasoning.” It’s just steak butter.

It flavors it and keeps the beef moist.


So, my next steak dinner at home will include these:


I will be buying flavored steak butters to try at home.

It’s pure genius.

And I’m getting them here. It’s the only place I know that carries them. I’m sure there are others.

So thank you, New York. Thank you for your stomach-churning cab rides, your overpriced sodas, your incredible pizza pies and your non-stop energy.

But mostly, thanks for your inspiration and the steak butter idea. You’re the best.

I’ll be back.

Steak butter photo courtesy of Kansas City Steak Company.
