December 5th, 2013

Holiday Sous-Vide Steak Recipe

This holiday, use this technique for a fantastic steak meal. Filets work beautifully.

Your guests will be so impressed with your prowess. And it’s so delicious!

Turkeys, hams and the like are always wonderful go-to meals for the holidays. Use this as a meal another night (they ALWAYS stay more than one night, right?) or …

Mix it up at the dinner table this year and serve a sous-vide feast! Delish!

November 22nd, 2013

Thanksgiving Dinner Guide

Are you ready for Thanksgiving?

You sure?

Use this handy dandy Guide to Planning Thanksgiving Dinner just to be positive.

Me? No, I’m not. I’m still trying to get through the week BEFORE Thanksgiving.

So this will help me when the time comes . . . soon. There are so many little details to remember, it helps when someone else lays them all out for me!

Check out the Thanksgiving guide here and get all your ducks (or turkeys) in a row for the big day!

Photo courtesy of

October 31st, 2013

Have a Beefy Halloween!

It’s that time of year! The time when adults adorn themselves with clothing they would never normally sport – you know, like something in the shape of a cheeseburger or a steak … or Darth Vader.

Children are adorable as princesses, baseball players, Thor and chicken nuggets.

But I think all the kids’ costumes are just to throw us off. This holiday is really for adults who want to dress up.

It cracks me up when of all the things someone could be for Halloween, they choose meat. MEAT.

Like this…

But to each his own, right?

Hope YOU have a beefy Halloween!!!

Photos courtesy of and
