December 17th, 2010

School’s Out, Steak’s On

At my house, the kids are out of school for the holidays. Freedom!!!!

We’re celebrating with a steak dinner so we can chat about the exciting days ahead.

Today happens to be Free Shipping Day, so if you’re quick, you can take advantage of that and get some amazing meals ready for the holidays ahead.

Steaks, burgers, prime rib, beef tips, ham, turkey – everything! Go here and get ‘er done!

It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas at my house!!!

December 16th, 2010

Holiday Meat Tree

You love beef, so why not shout it out to the world?

Here’s a little pick-me-up for you after an exhausting day of shopping, preparing for the holidays and seasonal merriment…

This Holiday Meat Tree mousepad could be the best gift you ever gave – or received!

Just think, every time you sit down at your computer to e-mail your child’s teacher/your contractor/your attorney/the Pope you could be staring down at this lovely amalgam of raw meat on a tree.

How festive!

Click here to find out how you can brighten someone’s day by giving them this genuine work of art.

You’re welcome.

Photo courtesy of

December 10th, 2010

Steak is On My Christmas List


I’m a sucker for brilliant packaging and marketing. I love pretty things. And with this little item I’m not sure if I like the packaging or what’s inside best!

Okay, I pick “inside,” but it wins by just a hair.

They must have had me in mind when they created this sweet gift box because this is a girl’s dream come true.

Holy smokes – opening up these babies on Christmas morning would make me feel like a princess – or a queen – or a princessy queen.

Plus, I’d know what I’m having for dinner later. No question.

This is just a little hint from me to you:  If you really like someone, THIS is the way to show them! You can check out all the different varieties that come in this lovely gift box here.

And, eh hem, I like boneless ribeyes. You know, just in case, well, you know.

Happy shopping!
