December 24th, 2010

Wine to Serve With Christmas Beef

Here’s a tasty tip for your Christmas dinner beverage (if it includes a wonderful roast beef or prime rib).

Serve this wine and your guests will think you divine!

Have a very, very merry Christmas, everyone!

December 23rd, 2010

A Festivus Meal

If you’re a true blue Seinfeld fan, you know that Festivus  – the holiday for the rest of us – falls today.

It’s time to break out the Festivus pole, regale your guests with Feats of Strength and participate in the Airing of Grievances.

But first, the traditional meatloaf must be served. And enjoy it you will or you’ll be first on the list of grievances.

Here’s a fun meatloaf recipe that’s quick and easy. And, really, isn’t that in the spirit of Festivus? It’s not fancy. Just great.

Enjoy your Festivus celebration – and don’t pull anything during the Feats of Strength!

Photo courtesy of DRosenbach via

December 21st, 2010

Christmas Rib Roast Recipe!

We’ve known this for a while, but apparently word is just getting around that a rib roast is a superb alternative to a classic ham or turkey for Christmas dinner.

This is something we beef lovers have known since birth. Beef=good.

But this recipe from our friends at Better Homes and Gardens combines beefy flavor with fruit and onions. Oh, the aroma!

Get your roast here for optimal quality and wow your guests this holiday!

Check out that full recipe here!

Photo courtesy of
