December 31st, 2010

Beef Bowl is My Kinda Bowl Game

Football players and steak. They just go together.

And the Rose Bowl competitors get to participate in an additional Bowl game every year that combines those two — the Beef Bowl. It’s sharing some amazing prime rib with teammates and getting ready for a highly competitive, important game. It’s camraderie and good food.

It’s really, really cool.

Here’s how the LA Times describes it:

For the last five decades, the participating teams have taken part in the ‘Beef Bowl’ at Lawry’s the Prime Rib in Beverly Hills. The restaurant says it’s fed more than 75,000 pounds of beef to about 19,000 players and coaches.

I’ve decided that since I do not – nor will I ever – qualify to participate in the Beef Bowl, I will just have to replicate it for myself at home.

In fact, to celebrate the new year tonight, we’re going to cook up some steaks, rub elbows with friends and just talk. Sounds just like the Beef Bowl to me.

You can read all about the 2010 Beef Bowl here.

And Happy New Year, everybody! May 2011 be filled with good food and great experiences!

Photo courtesy of Wally Skalij/Los Angeles Times.

December 29th, 2010

Traditional New Year Recipe: Scottish Steak Pie

In Scotland, “Hogmanay” is an important festival celebrated on New Year’s Eve. And, of course, as with all festivals, there is FOOD!

This Scottish Steak Pie is a traditional favorite used to welcome in the new year. It’s got beef, beef sausages and onions cooked in beef stock and baked into a puff pastry.

For me, ‘nuf said.

Here’s the full recipe so you can wow your friends with this Scottish tradition on Friday night.


Photo courtesy of Andrea Black (Lacuna) via

December 28th, 2010

How Long is Too Long for Leftovers?

The Christmas meal has come and gone. But you still have turkey, ham, prime rib and various and sundry sides in your fridge.

How long can we keep nibbling on them?

As you can imagine, there are many schools of thought on this. But I like Madam Trainer’s explanation here.  She makes some good arguments and I, personally, like to err on the side of caution with this one.

Check out her sage advice here and let me know what YOU think!
