July 1st, 2011

Patriotic Steak

Patriotic cow with steak

As we go into this important holiday weekend, remember, even your steaks can be patriotic!

Don’t believe me? Just click here for a kabob recipe that includes all the colors red, white AND blue. Blue potatoes!

Have a safe, happy – and flavorful 4th of July!

Cow photo courtesy of Hennybee via Flickr.com.

Kabob photo courtesy of CelebratingHolidays.com.

June 20th, 2011

Father’s Day Steak Fest

Did you have a great Father’s Day?

We did. You know why? ‘Cause we did this . . .

Father's Day Steak

. . . and this . . .

It was a full-on frenzy of Father’s Day steak magic.

The dads in my life were quite pleased. And stuffed. And celebrated.

I hope you had a fabulous one, too!


May 27th, 2011

Memorial Day Steakburger Sliders

It’s tried and true. How can you go wrong with sliders on a sunny, holiday weekend?

Answer:  You can’t.

Try this recipe for scrumptious goodness on a bun – which includes the ever-popular bacon and some tasty seasonings.

Your crew will be happy and so will you!

Bon appetit, my friends! And have a safe and flavorful holiday weekend!

Let’s all remember the reason for the holiday as well. We have much to be thankful for.

Photo courtesy of MyRecipes.com.
