November 23rd, 2011

Steak Retreat


It’s Thanksgiving Eve, and family is all around.

For hubby and me, that means we get a tiny little break and we escape for a night out. Alone. Without the children.

They won’t even miss us.

Before the turkey and gravy and stuffing and ham and casseroles and cranberry sauce, we go out for a night of steak and merriment.

A gorgeous strip steak is on the menu for him – a ribeye for me.

All is well and we have much to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving Eve to you, too!


November 22nd, 2011

Another Steak Convert


With Thanksgiving inching ever near, I always wonder about the poor souls who hate turkey. And I have found yet another personal narrative from a Thanksgiving steak eater that warms my soul.

In “Skip the Turkey, I’m Having Steak for Thanksgiving,” Russ shares his meals of Thanksgiving past – and lets us know that steak is on the menu this year.

I think this phenomenon is larger than we might have thought. And there may yet be secret turkey haters at even your family table.

They just haven’t summoned the courage to ruin the mystique of “Turkey Day.”

Read here to be regaled by Russ’s take on this traditional holiday meal – and the new traditions he’s started.

And what about you? Are YOU a steak convert?

Photo courtesy of

September 9th, 2011

Steakburgers Make Me Happy

This was the scene on Labor Day. Grilling. Chilling. Peacefulness.

Except for the minor mishap with that burger in front. Not sure what happened there. It somehow got split in two.

I got to eat that one. That’s what moms do.

But it tasted fantastic all the same.

Those other delights on the grill are bratwurst. We had ourselves a little combo going and our friends who came over thought they had died and gone to heaven.

We had a little football on TV, some meat on the grill and all was well.

THAT’S something to be thankful for. And that’s what we’ll be thinking on Sunday as we remember what happened in our country 10 YEARS AGO.

I can’t believe 9/11/01 was 10 years ago. It feels like yesterday in my mind. My kids weren’t even born then. But they know about 9/11 and we’ll discuss it again.

Just being here is something to be thankful for. And we’ll remember those who aren’t. I hope you will too.
