December 27th, 2012

Holiday Steak

THIS was Christmas Eve dinner.

We are spending the holiday in the Cayman Islands.

And THIS is how you do steak Cayman-style. A Kansas City strip in the Caribbean.

What wonderful meals did you prepare for the holidays?

Anything made with love surrounded by family and friends sounds delicious to me!

Hope you’re having a wonderful holiday season!

December 21st, 2012

More Steaky Ornament Fun

If you liked the BBQ grill ornament I showed you for your tree, get a load of these babies . . .

These two (above) might be my faves – so life-like!

Sometimes you want to use your Christmas tree to make a statement. Well, here ya go!

A keepsake with a bit of whimsy, this one’s called “Grillin’ and Chillin’ 2012.” Yes.

Often, the simplest message is the very best. Your tree is begging for this one.

You can see more steak Christmas ornaments here.

Let them bring the message of peace, hope and love that only steak can.

Photos courtesy of

December 19th, 2012

BBQ Christmas Cheer

A bit of levity for your tree – and it’s got steak on it!

This glass ornament from TJ’s includes a BBQ grill with corn, a burger, steak and something green that is unidentifiable.

Anybody know what that is?

No matter. The burger and steak are what’s important here.

Don’t you want to hang them on your tree?

This officially qualifies as totally awesome.

Merry Steakmas?!?!!!

Photo courtesy of
