December 27th, 2012

Holiday Steak

THIS was Christmas Eve dinner.

We are spending the holiday in the Cayman Islands.

And THIS is how you do steak Cayman-style. A Kansas City strip in the Caribbean.

What wonderful meals did you prepare for the holidays?

Anything made with love surrounded by family and friends sounds delicious to me!

Hope you’re having a wonderful holiday season!

July 3rd, 2012

Soldiers’ 4th of July Steaks

Take a look at how some of our country’s finest celebrated their 4th of July last year.

Hint:  It involves steaks.

Kunduz, Afghanistan, is not where I’d want to be to celebrate our country’s birthday. But these soldiers do what has to be done.

EXACTLY what this country is all about.

Hope you enjoyed those steaks, soldiers!

August 31st, 2011

Labor Day Steak Menu


It’s almost Labor Day. And somewhere it’s written that one must eat beef on Labor Day weekend.

Hey, I don’t write the rules, I just enforce them.

So, why not treat yourself to a gorgeous, grilled steak on your day of rest?

Click here to see a fantastic marinade recipe and get other great ideas for your weekend lineup.

Then, come back here and share with us how it went! Happy eating!

Photo courtesy of
