May 30th, 2009

Until We Beef Again . . .

The conclusion of our Memorial Day carnival of carne came in the form of some amazing barbecue ribs.

We allowed them to share the grill with the steakburgers. They earned it.


See what I mean? Those ribs were awesome. We dipped them in some spicy barbecue sauce and all was right with the world.

And the steakburgers? Well, they rocked the house. I don’t think we had any left.

It’s a sad day around here when we don’t have leftovers from a HUGE cookout.

But that just tells me it was a job well done! 🙂

May 29th, 2009

The Festival of Beef Continues . . .

We couldn’t celebrate Memorial Day without some good old-fashioned burgers.

Steakburgers, to be exact.

I’ve been informed that there IS a slight difference between hamburgers and steakburgers. Steakburgers have actual steak in them. Hamburgers do not.

And being a steak lover, I MUST have steakburgers.

Here are the burgers just before the addition of some pretty tame flavoring:  salt, pepper and my mother-in-law’s mystery seasoning.


Then we pulled out two steakburgers to ruin, er, season for my husband. He likes tons of Tabasco Worcestershire.

And so it was done.


Tomorrow I’ll show you how they turned out, PLUS the other delectable item we cooked. Can you guess what that is?

May 28th, 2009

Beef Brisket, How I Love Thee

My eternal love affair with all things beef continues . . .

The weather around here is heating up (thank goodness!) and so is our electric smoker. We broke it out this weekend to smoke up a wonderful beef brisket.


If you love beef, I’m telling ya, you’d love this brisket.

We just put a garlic, salt and pepper rub on the brisket before putting it in the smoker at 200 degrees F for 10 hours. Ours was about 13 lbs. so it was pretty big.

We then put some hickory wood chips and a couple of charcoal briquettes in the wood box, closed the door and voila!

We use a SmokinTex model 1400 cuz it’s so easy. And we like easy.

We actually did it overnight. So, as we slept, our brisket was smoking. What a delight to wake up the next morning to the smell of a smoked brisket!

We wrapped it in foil and let it sit in the oven (we didn’t turn it on) until we were ready to heat it up and serve it. About 45 minutes before we were ready to eat we heated it at 250 degrees in the oven. Just to warm it up.

Oh. Yum. 

We whipped up some mashed potatoes, had a salad, poured some BBQ sauce over it and we were set!

But that’s not all. Tomorrow I’ll show you what else we made . . .
