October 29th, 2010

Hungry for Halloween?

She spends all day running four Kansas City haunted houses — making sure the ghouls are grotesque enough, the props are bloody enough and visitors will be sufficiently frightened.

But all Sherri Petz really wants is a great home-cooked meal. And she knows just what she wants.

Soups, stroganoffs and stews are on the menu this time of year and Sherri’s meals always get rave reviews.

Want to try a Spooky Stroganoff? Click here for Sherri’s recipe and other ghoulishly delicious dishes from her haunted kitchen. And try using this beef next time – it’s to die for!

No snakes or eyeballs necessary. Unless you really want to add them, that is.

Have a wonderful, safe and appetite-satisfying Halloween!

Photo courtesy of KansasCity.com.

September 3rd, 2010

BBQ, Burgers and Bonding

This weekend, I plan to spend lots of time with my family just . . . being.

School has started here and ever since we’ve been blowing and going. I am looking forward to doing some fun things with my kids and having an actual conversation with my husband.

A novel concept.

We’ll be grilling out, inviting friends over and playing. Thank you, Labor Day, for giving me the chance to enjoy my family — and some really good food.

I hope you do the same.

Happy Labor Day!

September 2nd, 2010

Are Your Steaks Ready for Labor Day?


In this fantastic article, chef Scott Popovic grills up some great advice on choosing the right meat and more to make this Labor Day the tastiest ever!

I hope you are planning on sharing some steakburgers or T-bones or something yummy with loved ones this long weekend. After all, that’s what it’s for!

Well, that, and honoring our country’s workers, of course.

But, seriously, what better way to do that than by cooking up a great feast?

Get your beef here, check out the article here and then let me know what you cooked. I want to see photos, too!
