April 22nd, 2011

Grumpy Bunnies Need Food!

If this is the way your Easter is going this weekend, make sure everybody is fed!

Nobody likes a grumpy bunny, so for goodness sake, lay out some appetizers and bring on the Easter ham or prime rib or chicken nuggets!

Holiday meals are a tricky thing to pull off successfully. The timing is paramount. You don’t want people too hungry, but you don’t want them stuffed on appetizers. You don’t want them lingering too long around the TV when you call them to the table or the food will be cold. It’s quite a feat to get it just right.

So hats off to you if you are the host or hostess this go ’round. I am applauding you right now.

Enjoy your weekend whatever you do – just make sure it involves good food! Or this photo might start to look mighty familiar . . .

Photo courtesy of Bunspace.com.

January 5th, 2011

Steak for Christmas? You’re in Good Company

If you had a nice steak dinner on Christmas night, congratulations. You dined like a president!

The Obamas enjoyed a beautiful, juicy steak on Dec. 25th in Hawaii. I can’t think of a more amazing way to spend Christmas.

Read on…

HE may be in exotic Hawaii, but President Barack Obama’s culinary Christmas is decidedly mainstream.

The president will dine on steak, roasted potatoes and green beans, with pie for dessert, according to White House spokesman Bill Burton, who is traveling with the president on his holiday vacation.

Mr Obama arrived on Wednesday for his annual trip to the Aloha State, his birthplace. He is set to stay past New Year’s reading novels, writing his State of the Union speech, and working in some golf with family and friends.

Mr Burton was mum on the president’s Christmas Eve plans.

Now that’s my kind of holiday! I love your taste, Mr. President!

This bodes well for 2011!

Read the story here. And happy new year!

Photo courtesy of Whitehouse.gov.

December 28th, 2010

How Long is Too Long for Leftovers?

The Christmas meal has come and gone. But you still have turkey, ham, prime rib and various and sundry sides in your fridge.

How long can we keep nibbling on them?

As you can imagine, there are many schools of thought on this. But I like Madam Trainer’s explanation here.  She makes some good arguments and I, personally, like to err on the side of caution with this one.

Check out her sage advice here and let me know what YOU think!
