September 9th, 2011

Steakburgers Make Me Happy

This was the scene on Labor Day. Grilling. Chilling. Peacefulness.

Except for the minor mishap with that burger in front. Not sure what happened there. It somehow got split in two.

I got to eat that one. That’s what moms do.

But it tasted fantastic all the same.

Those other delights on the grill are bratwurst. We had ourselves a little combo going and our friends who came over thought they had died and gone to heaven.

We had a little football on TV, some meat on the grill and all was well.

THAT’S something to be thankful for. And that’s what we’ll be thinking on Sunday as we remember what happened in our country 10 YEARS AGO.

I can’t believe 9/11/01 was 10 years ago. It feels like yesterday in my mind. My kids weren’t even born then. But they know about 9/11 and we’ll discuss it again.

Just being here is something to be thankful for. And we’ll remember those who aren’t. I hope you will too.

August 31st, 2011

Labor Day Steak Menu


It’s almost Labor Day. And somewhere it’s written that one must eat beef on Labor Day weekend.

Hey, I don’t write the rules, I just enforce them.

So, why not treat yourself to a gorgeous, grilled steak on your day of rest?

Click here to see a fantastic marinade recipe and get other great ideas for your weekend lineup.

Then, come back here and share with us how it went! Happy eating!

Photo courtesy of

August 24th, 2011

Steaky Labor Day Choices

I like great quality meat. But I like a good bargain, too. And I have to start planning for Labor Day now. It will sneak up on me.

So this Labor Day holiday I’m going to stock up on some of our neighborhood favorites – because inevitably, the neighborhood ends up in our back yard.

I really love that because I like being in control. I’m neurotic that way. We have burgers, steaks and chicken. Everyone’s happy.

We eat the food I like, listen to the music I enjoy – you get the picture. So why wouldn’t I want the festivities at my house? What’s a few crumbs on the counter among friends when I can make sure I have Teriyaki sauce for my ribeye? See how that works?

I’m looking forward to Labor Day because it’s that last grasp at a summer feeling. People are off work, it’s still warm out where we live and folks are in the mood to have fun. I like that.

So come on, Labor Day! I’m ready for ya!

I’m just not ready for you to be over.

Photo courtesy of Kansas City Steak Company.
