May 11th, 2012

Mother’s Day Steak Breakfast

Treat your mom to a steak breakfast in bed this Sunday. She deserves it.

Of course, YOUR mom is much prettier. But you get the idea.

Have a wonderful Mother’s Day, everyone!

Photo courtesy of


May 9th, 2012

Mother’s Day Steak Menu

In case your mom hasn’t reminded you yet, Mother’s Day is this Sunday.


So why not spend a little time cooking her a meal you know she’ll love?

Bonus:  YOU will love it, too. But, seriously, that’s just a bonus. This is for her.

Try a little something different with this Steak with Mixed Fruit Salsa recipe, plus a full dinner menu from bread to sides to dessert.

This steak recipe combines a fruity salsa (very imaginative) with a hot, juicy steak. It’s really something to get the senses going – and so fresh, too!

Click here for the full menu details from our friend Linda Larsen at Busy Cooks. Your mom will love this Mother’s Day Steak Menu!

Photo courtesy of Linda Larsen via

February 14th, 2012

I Heart Steak

There are so many forms of love, so it’s only fitting on this Valentine’s Day to express our love for steak – or anything else for that matter.

Someone beat us to it with this wall mural professing sweet, sweet love to all things steak.

I can think of no greater art form than this.

I know, I know – Michelangelo and everything. But this is STEAK we’re talking about!!!

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! I hope you have steak in your life today.

Photo courtesy of jakedobkin via flickr.
