December 24th, 2013

Christmas Eve Shopping!

Tomorrow’s Christmas!!!

Is all your shopping done?

If not, these are my favorite go-to gifts – E-gift certificates!

Just print them out, put them under the tree and voila! Everyone’s happy!

They get to pick their favorite steak gifts and you look like a superstar. Win-WIN!

A few clicks and your friends and family can pick their favorite steaks, roasts, sides, desserts – even entire meals!

Merry Christmas and to all a good night!

Photo courtesy of

December 11th, 2013

Meaty Gift

Looking for that special gift that says it all? This wonderful poster just may be your ticket to the top of the list of “Greatest Gift Givers of All Time.”

For Uncle Fred – the grillmaster, Aunt Edna – the best cook south of the Mason-Dixon line, cousin Bobby – who can eat his weight in burgers… THIS. IS. IT.

Look for this steak gift here on Etsy and try to contain your excitement when they open it up. Enjoy!

Photo courtesy of fifiduvie via

December 6th, 2013

What to Give a Steak Lover?

Well, besides, steaks… these!

Aren’t they gorgeous? they’re Laguiole steak knives with translucent handles.

Your gift recipient can either share with his guests or hog them all and use a new color each time he digs in to a nice, juicy steak.

What a treat!

Photo courtesy of
