December 17th, 2010

School’s Out, Steak’s On

At my house, the kids are out of school for the holidays. Freedom!!!!

We’re celebrating with a steak dinner so we can chat about the exciting days ahead.

Today happens to be Free Shipping Day, so if you’re quick, you can take advantage of that and get some amazing meals ready for the holidays ahead.

Steaks, burgers, prime rib, beef tips, ham, turkey – everything! Go here and get ‘er done!

It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas at my house!!!

December 17th, 2009

What a Difference a Steak Makes

Er, I mean, what a difference a year makes.

Last year at this time, I was preparing to go on a road trip to Florida where we spent a week with family celebrating the holidays.

You can read about our adventures here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

I’m telling ya, there was lots of good food to be had. Like this . . .


Beef tenderloin tips. Good stuff.

But this year, there will be no road trip. There’s a little thing called a recession going on. I don’t know if you’ve heard about it.

But after saving up for a very long time for last year’s beachside holiday adventure, it seemed out of the question this year. And indeed it is.

We had our food shipped to our door in Florida last year. And what a treat it was to have good, quality food right there at our fingertips. We KNEW the meat would be fabulous. And it was.

I hate playing a guessing game with the meat at the local supermarket in a town I’m not too familiar with. Heck, I don’t like it in towns I AM familiar with. So, we ordered what we wanted and it all came to us when we needed it. Like magic.

The good thing is, I can get that same quality anywhere I am in the country. So now that I’m home for the holidays this year, I’m having it delivered to my house. Um, which is not beachside in Florida. Boo.

We’re going to have a turkey, ham and all the trimmings on Christmas Day — and steaks! on Christmas Eve. And I will not be standing in line at the supermarket with the rest of humanity for it all.

Merry Christmas to me!!!

And happy holidays to you. The countdown at our house has begun . . .

April 3rd, 2009

Beef for Easter??

Do you celebrate Easter?

Do you have a big Easter dinner every year?

We like to have family over but we have yet to establish a true tradition as far as what we serve.

Sometimes it’s ham. Sometimes it’s a prime rib (if we’re feeling fancy). And sometimes it’s a brisket.

Yeah, it’s not very Easter-y, but who cares?

What are you having?

And can I come over?
