October 29th, 2009

That Steaky Spirit

Wanna get in the spirit of the season?

It’s Halloween time, people! Time to dress up like your favorite beef product!

Every year it amazes me the costumes people come up with. And this year is no different.

Case in point . . .


I’m thinking they’re missing some decimal points on the prices. But if not, no worries! Wouldn’t YOU pay 2 grand to look like a Porterhouse?

These guys are hilarious and they’re making me hungry. I like the kid and the dog who are being scared into a full-on sprint by the smiling steak. It’s priceless.

Just some FOOD FOR THOUGHT for ya. (You knew I had to do that.)

If you dress up like something beefy this Halloween puhleeeeeeease send me photos!!

Photo courtesy of facemakersincorporated.com.

October 28th, 2009

All Hallow’s Steak


It’s Halloween time!

So how do I celebrate?

Why, with a steak, of course. A Halloween steak.

It’s been a particularly challenging week here at the Steak Enthusiast casa, so it was time to stop, give ourselves a break and enjoy something we know always brings our spirits up.

This Kansas City strip was absolutely divine. And enjoying it on a Tuesday night was awesome. No special occasion — we just needed it.

The kids are looking forward to Saturday night when they will run around the neighborhood in their costumes, giggling and spilling candy with us trotting after them, lamenting how we’re too old for this.

You know, Halloween traditions.

Having this steak got us ready to take it all on.

So, really, what makes this a “Halloween steak?”

I put it on a plate next to a plastic pumpkin.

Any other questions?

October 31st, 2008

Have a Steaky Halloween!

If I had really been thinking, I totally would have been this for Halloween . . .

But alas, I’ll have to settle for next year. Maybe then my husband can walk next to me and dress up as a bottle of Teriyaki sauce. Yum!

Have a great Halloween!

Photo courtesy of amazon.com.
