May 6th, 2011

Try Different Methods of Cooking a Great Steak

We all love a steak on the grill. But have you tried other ways?

Pan frying? Oven roasting?

Sometimes it’s fun to step outside the box and try something new.

Especially when it’s raining. Or 40 degrees below zero outside.

Here are some ways you might consider cooking the next time you’ve got a super duper marinated T-bone ready to go.

And my favorite bonus tip from this informative article?  “Don’t just gobble up the steak the moment you start cooking it.”

What? I shouldn’t just shove it all in my mouth immediately like the Cookie Monster?

Hilarious. But sage advice. I will try it – but no promises.

Happy cooking!

Click here to explore other ways to cook a great steak.

Photo and quote courtesy of

March 22nd, 2011

Spicy Steakburgers

You’re getting verrrry hungry. . .

Your grill is dusted off, right? Well, put these babies on!

These Two-Pepper Burgers feature jalapenos and chipotle in adobo. Ayayayayyyy!

But. . . the mayonnaise is an unexpected twist – as well as a few other goodies. You’ll just have to check it out for yourself here.

And, uh, have a beverage handy. I’m just sayin’, you’ll thank me. Really.

Happy burgering – spring has sprung!

Photo courtesy of

November 19th, 2010

Taking Care of Myself…With Beef

So, I’ve been running myself ragged. Kids. Work. Trying to be a good citizen and neighbor. Marriage. Recycling.

(That last one was just to see if you were paying attention.)

And in my haste to do all those things I left something off my list — me.

This weekend, before the Thanksgiving hullaballoo of traveling and shopping and cooking and writing down all the things to be thankful for, I am going to be treated to a most special meal.

A steak grilled with love. Plus a baked potato just the way I like it. And salad. And wine. Lots of wine.

My husband is going to put on his gloves, grab that spatula and grill the heck outta my ribeye steak.

That’s how much he loves me.

Come to think of it, I don’t really have to write down all I’m thankful for. It’s already in my head.

Have a great weekend, everybody!
