March 25th, 2011

“Spacemen” Like Steaks Too!

I came across this article about astronaut John Glenn hosting Russian Cosmonaut Gherman Titov at his home for an impromptu cookout in 1962.  The headline has me in stitches:

“Spacemen Enjoy Cook-Out Despite Blackened Steaks”

Apparently, Mr. Glenn is a better astronaut than grillmaster.

It’s always fun to take a peek back in time. But what I realized is that at the core, nothing much has changed.

Check out the article here and take your own trip back in time.

Thanks for your service, Mr. Glenn! We’ll cook you a steak that is a little less well done any time!

Photo courtesy of

March 22nd, 2011

Spicy Steakburgers

You’re getting verrrry hungry. . .

Your grill is dusted off, right? Well, put these babies on!

These Two-Pepper Burgers feature jalapenos and chipotle in adobo. Ayayayayyyy!

But. . . the mayonnaise is an unexpected twist – as well as a few other goodies. You’ll just have to check it out for yourself here.

And, uh, have a beverage handy. I’m just sayin’, you’ll thank me. Really.

Happy burgering – spring has sprung!

Photo courtesy of

February 25th, 2011

Ready for Steak This Weekend?

If you’re looking to cook something a little different this weekend, try this flavorful boneless ribeye steak recipe from Chef Marcus Samuelsson of Good Morning America.

It would seriously be a good morning if you served this up with some eggs and fixins the next day.  Just sayin’.

Try this paprika-y, garlicky seasoning and tell me what you think. This just might become your favorite new way to cook a steak!

Photo courtesy of Ida Mae Astute/ABC.
