August 17th, 2011

Steak on the Water


We went to the river with family this weekend. And as we do not happen to live anywhere near a river, that required a five-hour drive.

With two boys.

Under the age of 10.

Plus a dog.

Once we arrived we felt we deserved something yummy – and to us, that means steak!

We fired up that old charcoal grill down by the river and grilled away while the kids and dog frolicked.


And, as we were on a RIVER, the serveware left a lot to be desired. A piece of aluminum foil had to do as our platter.

Because we’re classy like that, we set it on top of a cooler.

Come and get it!

What we learned is that we don’t care what it’s served on as long as we cook it ourselves and we can fix it up the way each of us likes it.

It was heavenly and we didn’t want it to end. But, alas, summer always does.

We made some great memories while it lasted.

And we’ll always have the steak . . .

July 28th, 2011

Steak Success

Here’s some eye candy for ya . . .

. . . and some more . . .

We had fun this past weekend just grillin’ and chillin’ – doing what summer means to us. I’ll bet you feel the same way.

Those simple pleasures are what I live for.

We sat around and didn’t think once about what we didn’t have. It was all about the here and now. What was in front of us. And it seemed pretty good.

A nice steak cooked exactly the way I like it takes me to a place where everything is awesome. At least for that moment.

Until a beach ball hit our heads or our drinks were spilled by a flying Frisbee.

But you know what I mean.

If I can be happy just sitting and being – that’s success to me. And it felt good for the time I had it.

Thank you, summer. And thank you, steak.

July 26th, 2011

Humidifier for Steaks?

Have you seen this gadget?

It’s a grill humidifier. You pour in any liquid whose flavor you’d like to see infused in your meat, set it on the grill next to your steak – and voila!

It flavors the meat while you grill.

I can see so many possibilities with this. Orange juice. Beer. Vodka steak?

I don’t know, would the vodka explode?

Anyway, it’s an interesting theory. I wonder if it truly does work in reality.

Has anyone ever tried this? It sounds yummy!

Photo courtesy of



