February 22nd, 2013

Snow Steak!

Will this be you this weekend? Grilling in the snow?

I’ve done it. Nothing stops me from a juicy steak when I’ve got a hankering.

If you’ll be snow grilling this weekend, try one of these awesome steak rubs.

Because if you’re gonna trudge out in the snow you’d better make the steak go-o-o-od! And these rubs just might do the trick.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Photo courtesy of ifood.tv

December 19th, 2012

BBQ Christmas Cheer

A bit of levity for your tree – and it’s got steak on it!

This glass ornament from TJ’s includes a BBQ grill with corn, a burger, steak and something green that is unidentifiable.

Anybody know what that is?

No matter. The burger and steak are what’s important here.

Don’t you want to hang them on your tree?

This officially qualifies as totally awesome.

Merry Steakmas?!?!!!

Photo courtesy of ebay.com.

September 11th, 2012

Musical Steak

This commercial makes me laugh. I always feel like there should be music and maybe fireworks and stuff when I cook steaks. It always feels like a celebration so why not put it to music?

Sometimes my husband serenades me – but that’s really not the same. Really.

Beef. It’s what’s for dinner. Check it out!
