February 8th, 2011

Valentine’s Day Secret? Steak!

Valentine’s Day secret? If your sweetie is anything like mine, a steak dinner will go a long way toward saying, “I love you”. You know that old saying about the way to a man’s heart, right? Well, it works for women also.

Valentine's Day Secret

Trust me.

I subscribe to the “Say It With Food” theory. Create a beautiful meal and someone will feel loved. It’s cause and effect. And the effect is just right for Valentine’s Day.

Check out this pepper-crusted filet mignon recipe and try it out on Feb. 14th. There will be no question how you feel. It’s even a Martha Stewart recipe – so it has to be good.

You still have time to get the most tender, beautiful filets delivered to you by V-Day from here. Believe me, THIS is good stuff.

Oh, and tell me about your successful steak venture. I like to live through others sometimes.

Bon appetit!

Photo courtesy of Delish.com.

December 10th, 2010

Steak is On My Christmas List


I’m a sucker for brilliant packaging and marketing. I love pretty things. And with this little item I’m not sure if I like the packaging or what’s inside best!

Okay, I pick “inside,” but it wins by just a hair.

They must have had me in mind when they created this sweet gift box because this is a girl’s dream come true.

Holy smokes – opening up these babies on Christmas morning would make me feel like a princess – or a queen – or a princessy queen.

Plus, I’d know what I’m having for dinner later. No question.

This is just a little hint from me to you:  If you really like someone, THIS is the way to show them! You can check out all the different varieties that come in this lovely gift box here.

And, eh hem, I like boneless ribeyes. You know, just in case, well, you know.

Happy shopping!

August 12th, 2010

Man-Sized Steak

We visited some dear friends last weekend. To make things even better, we caught up over some hearty, juicy steaks.

One of our buds set his sights on this baby . . .

Yes, siree. That’s a 25-oz. Porterhouse. I know, I know. The photo quality leaves a lot to be desired. Cell phone. Darkly-lit restaurant. You do what you can.

Anyway, you might think our friend had a nice little doggie bag to take home with him.

Think again.

Every inch of that Porterhouse was devoured. As was everyone else’s. Ribeyes, filets — delicious meats.

I can’t think of a better way to enjoy a friendship than over a great steak — can you?
