April 15th, 2011

Steak For All

Today I give you this because, well, it’s pretty hilarious.

That pup looks downright regal with his sirloin steak. I almost believe he could even cut it with that knife and fork.

But then I remember he has no opposable thumbs. Bummer.

If you’re not a dog lover, this may just gross you out. If so, just look away. Look away, I say! And think happy thoughts of your own sirloin steak.

Happy weekend, everybody!

Photo courtesy of DroppinLbs.com.


April 1st, 2011

Where No Steak Has Gone Before…

This, my friends, is steak-flavored beer for dogs.

Yes, you read that right.

Why would someone create such a thing, you ask?

Why does anyone do anything?

In this crazy, mixed-up world we live in, I cannot find an answer.

Coming from a lover of steak in all forms, this is a bit out there for even me.

I think it might be the “beer” part that’s throwing me off.  Dogs like steak, yes. But why does it have to be steak-flavored BEER?


Maybe you have an answer for me from your part of the world? Please???

Photo courtesy of StrangePictures.net.


April 13th, 2010

Doggies Love Steak, Too!

While shopping for other things, I came across these tasty treats for our canine friends. And I realized — dogs love steak.

But do they know it’s supposed to be “steak” when it’s in little bite-sized pieces?

This particular product advertises “choice cuts.” Really?? It looks like cookie-type wafer thingies to me.

Then there’s this . . .

Notice the “clearance” sticker on this one. Perhaps the enticing “T-bone shapes” description wasn’t enough to get a pup’s blood pumping.

Overall, nice attempt at satisfying a dog’s penchant for tasty steak. But my final evaluation on these products is:  FAIL.
