May 17th, 2012

Kansas City Strip Steak Video

Oh. Yum.

It’s time to get outside and grill! Here’s a great video to help you get the most out of your Kansas City Strips.

It’s amazing how different cuts should be cooked slightly differently to enhance the cut’s flavor. You can really take it to a whole other level if you take the time to really know your beef.

Follow these instructions and see how it works for you!

Or…just watch and enjoy the beauty of a gorgeous steak. I just like to watch it sizzle and cook and imagine the smell.

Then, of course, it makes me want to go grill one.

Happy grilling!

January 20th, 2012

Gordon Ramsay’s Steak Opinion

Gordon Ramsay is indeed a well-known and well-respected chef. He has definite opinions — and he makes them known.

You either like that or you don’t.

Here, he makes his opinion about steak known loud and clear. Let there be no question as to what he thinks.

Watch it and tell me what YOU think. Do you feel the same way?

The beautiful thing is, whether you agree or don’t agree you can cook your own darn steak at home any way you want it.

October 27th, 2011

Cooking Filet Mignon Video

Filet Mignon from Kansas City Steak Company on Vimeo.

The corporate chef at the Kansas City Steak Company has some great tips for us on how to cook a fantastic filet.

Thank goodness. I’m going to be listening up because I don’t always know what I’m doing at the helm of a grill. Any advice he has would be a good thing for me to pay attention to.

And I certainly wouldn’t want to ruin a perfectly beautiful filet mignon! That would be a crime.

Check out the video here and get the perfect filet to grill while you’re at it!

Happy grilling, everybody!
