March 24th, 2009

Steak Salt — Shaken, Not Stirred

At BLT Steak in NY, I was taken aback by the ginormous salt shakers on each table. This place not only allows you to salt your steak — they encourage it!

Check it out . . .

That’s a drinking glass behind it. This thing is huge.

I like it when a chef is confident enough to allow the diner to decide how much seasoning should go on their steak. It’s very unsnooty.

I’m not offended at my house by this, so why should they be?

I’m thinking of getting shakers like this for my table at home. But I’m afraid my kids would play with them and I’d be cleaning up salt from all over the house.

And where the heck would I store it? I’m low on storage space as it is.

For now, we’ll have to live on the memory of these shakers . . . and make do with our teeny, normal-sized shakers at home.

Oh, the humanity!!!!!!!

March 20th, 2009

Popovers With Your Steak?

Yes, please.

At BLT Steak in NY (and at many other yummy restaurants) they bring you delicious, soft, warm popovers before your meal.

That’s definitely something I can get onboard with.

Check these out. (That one in front kind of looks like an elephant.)


And since they include the recipe for you with the basket, I thought I’d share it here with you.

Try these with your next steak dinner. Invite people over and wow them with your graciousness. It goes a long way!

Popovers From BLT Steak

(Makes 12 popovers)


4 cups milk, warmed

8 eggs

4 cups flour

1 1/2 heaping tbsp salt

2 1/4 cups grated gruyere cheese

Popover pan


Place the popover pan in the oven. Heat the oven and pan to 350 degrees F. Gently warm the milk over low heat and set aside. Whisk the eggs until frothy and slowly whisk in the milk (so as not to cook the eggs). Set the mixture aside.

Sift the flour with the salt. Slowly add this dry mixture and gently combine until mostly smooth.

Once combined, remove the popover pan from the oven and spray with non-stick vegetable spray. While the batter is still slightly warm or room temperature (definitely not cool), fill each popover cup 3/4 full. Top each popover with approximately 2 1/2 tbsp of the grated gruyere.

Bake at 350 degrees F for 50 minutes, rotating pan half a turn after 15 minutes of baking. Remove from the oven, remove from the pan and serve immediately.

Recipe courtesy of BLT Steak.

March 12th, 2009

Plans to Eat a Big, Juicy Steak


Joe joined in the conversation about where I can find a great steak in NYC and he suggested his fave — BLT Steak on 57th.

So, Joe, that’s where I’m going! I will take your word for it and I’ll report back here next week.

It’s a tough job but somebody’s gotta do it.

If the photo here is any indication of what it’ll really be like all I can say is, “Thanks, Joe!”

I’m already salivating . . .

Photo courtesy of
