July 23rd, 2013

Steak Dinner Slump

We feel your pain, pooch.

It’s a feeling of euphoria when you know you’re about to sit down to a beautiful steak dinner.

Like you’re floating on air.

But as quickly as that feeling comes, it’s over.

Dinner’s gone.

We always have the memories of luscious steak to get us through, though.

And the hope of another one to come.

Doggie, I get you. I really do.

Photo courtesy of Andy Mackey via Pinterest.

July 19th, 2013

Steak in Any Language

Do you even need a translation?

It’s our beloved steak! With what looks like a dollop of ketchup.

We’ll overlook that.

These are children’s toys marketed in Japan. And they look mighty tasty, if not a little plasticky.

See? This is what I’ve been saying. Steak brings people together the world over. No translation needed.

Photo courtesy of Aorrora Borealis via Pinterest.

July 18th, 2013

Cook You a Steak?

Do you ever feel this way?

I pretty much feel this way every time we have steak. My husband is so much better at it and, well, I’m really the marinader and eater.

Not the cook.

That doesn’t make me a bad person, right?

I’ve just got the flavor, not the magic touch on the flames.

So, tell me, are YOU the cook or the cleaner-upper?

Either way, you’re among friends here.

Photo courtesy of Hurricane a.k.a. Connie on Pinterest.
