October 23rd, 2013

Steaky Old Wives’ Tales

You’ve probably heard so many tips and tricks about cooking steak that it’s hard to separate fact from fiction.

Some old wives’ tales have hung on for generations. And, well, frankly they need to disappear.

Enter this helpful blog post: “7 Old Wives’ Tales About Cooking Steak That Need to Go Away.”

Things like, “Don’t flip it with a fork – it’ll lose all its juices” and “Only season your steak after it’s cooked” NEED TO GO.

Check out all the old wives’ tales we need to do away with here. Plus, some really purdy pictures of beef. Mmmmm.

Just looking at them gets me in the mood for some Kansas City beef! Enjoy!

Photo courtesy of KansasCitySteaks.com.

October 17th, 2013

Retro Beef

Remember this one?

One of the greatest ad campaigns in history.

I was just becoming a great beef connoisseur when these commercials came out – and I totally could relate to these ladies.

Beef lovers know when they’re being cheated!

Happy Throwback Thursday!

Photo courtesy of DiningDateNight.com.

October 15th, 2013

Beefy Fall Recipes

Oh, autumn, how I love thee!

This time of year makes me want to break out all the yummy fall recipes that make us feel warm and cozy inside.

And this autumn recipe is a wonderful way to spend a chilly fall evening — Baked Stuffed Squash with Beef, Black Beans and Chili Seasonings.

Anything baked at this time of year is absolutely perfect to me. And baked beef? Perfecto!!!

This one comes to us from SouthernFood.About.com’s “Top 15 Fall Recipes” collection. Click here to peruse it and find other yummy fall fare like pork loin, sweet and tart pot roast and beef stew with red wine.

Try them all and you’ll be covered this fall!

Photo courtesy of Diana Rattray via About.com.
