April 1st, 2013

April Fool’s Bacon?

Maybe you’ve seen the ads for this bacon mouthwash. What’s the verdict – do you think it’s an April Fool’s Day joke?

I mean, I love bacon, but honestly I usually use mouthwash AFTER I’ve had bacon. At the same time? Nah.

I would be tempted to try it. You know, for society’s sake and all.

What do you think? If it’s a real product, will you buy it?

February 15th, 2013

Weekend Steak

Are you ready for the weekend? Maybe you have some making up to your Valentine to do.

Whatever the case, it calls for a well-prepared steak. And Rachael Ray’s got just the meal for you.

Watch the video above and then follow the step-by-step instructions for these Cast Iron Steaks and Bacon-Wrapped Potato Skins.

Yeah, I said bacon.


If you had to work on Valentine’s Day or simply forgot — this just might get you out of the doghouse with your sweetie!

Go on, share the love! Happy weekend, everybody!

January 11th, 2013

Bacon Excuses

Already only a few days into the “exercise resolution” I am dreaming of bacon instead.

This shirt says it all.

I guess making excuses is just par for the course, right?

Par for the course.

Mmmm…four course…

Four course meal…

Four course meal with bacon-wrapped filets.

Yep, I’m sunk.

Welp, there’s always next year!

Photo courtesy of Randomly Funny Stuff.
