July 7th, 2011

Heaven is a Steakburger


Well, it seems like it sometimes.

See, we’re on vacation. And we’ve made it a rule to not eat out as much as possible on vacation.

We have kids under age 10 and all the “family-oriented” places around here are, well, deep-fried disappointment.


Plus, there are lines and waiting and complaining.

That’s not much of a vacation.

So we opt to cook our favorites at our home away from home.

And these steakburgers? Well, they were heaven.

As soon as we began cooking, the place where we’re staying filled quickly with the amazing aroma of grilled beef and we all could hardly contain our appetites until the sweet relief of a plate on the table.

No lines, no gum-chewing waitress, no bill, no TIPPING.

Just my food exactly the way I like it with incredible smoky bacon and ooey, gooey cheese.

You tell me heaven isn’t like that. I dare ya!


April 8th, 2011

Really? With Bacon?

Okay, expanding on a theme here this week. Most of us steak lovers can probably agree that bacon rocks.

Bacon on a steak? Fugeddaboudit!!!! It only enhances the flavor.

Meatloaf topped off with bacon?

Absolutely incredible.

But this? Well, this might go under the heading, “TRAVESTY.”

It is an affront to bacon.

It’s the Maple Bacon Sundae – NEW from Denny’s!

I don’t know where to go with this. I feel like I need some therapy just thinking about it.

It’s wrong on so many levels. But…is it possible just a small part of me thinks it’s so right?

No. I can’t. It’s against the laws of nature.

You want bacon? Go here and order some. It’s delicious. Just promise me you will use it the way nature intended.


Photo courtesy of News.Yahoo.com.


April 7th, 2011

Delicious Bacon

Dab a little of this behind your ears and the spouse will come running.

Or stray dogs. Whichever.

Look, I love bacon as much as the next guy. (Maybe more if you ask my husband.)

But I’m pretty sure I don’t want to smell like it all the time. If I’m going to smell like anything it’s going to be a fresh meadow – not meat.

Check out the full details of this hilarious new product here. And don’t blame me if you have a feral dog problem after you buy it.

I warned you.

Photo courtesy of CocoPerez.com.
