January 25th, 2012

Bacon Ambience

I like bacon. Maybe you like bacon.

But do you like bacon enough to want your home to smell like it constantly?

If so, this bacon-scented candle just might be the ticket for you.

Personally, I only like to eat bacon. True, the smell is divine. But I don’t necessarily want it to linger. Forever.

I like bacon on my filet mignon. With my eggs. On a BLT.

But NOT wafting through my living room when guests are over.

What about you? Does the thought of a bacon-scented home make you giddy? No judgment here if it does. I get it. Really.

Photo courtesy of Hotwicks.com.

December 23rd, 2011

Steaky Holiday Gift

I hope you enjoy the holiday weekend – whatever holiday you celebrate.

And I hope you receive one of the above goodies. Strawberry-flavored steak treats – or perhaps bacon?

You’ve been good all year, right?

Wait, if you’ve been good does that mean you SHOULD or SHOULD NOT receive this?

I’m confused.

In any case, have a happy, happy weekend filled with joy surrounded by the ones you love.

That’s universal.

Photo courtesy of Jeff Houck via flickr.com.

October 20th, 2011

Baseball Steak

THIS, my friends, is what’s known as baseball steak. And with the World Series revving up between the Rangers and Cardinals, what better time to serve them as a nod to America’s pastime?

Baseball Steak

The baseball steak is most often Top Sirloin, at least 2 inches thick, and it gets its name from the puffed up shape it has when it’s cooked. Much like a baseball!

Yours can be served with or without bacon, but really, when there’s a choice do you really say no to bacon?

Livestrong.com has a great page on several different ways to cook a baseball steak – complete with all the steps and ingredients you’ll need. Check it out here.

So get your Top Sirloin out (you can order some great beef here) and let’s play ball!
