April 27th, 2012

Grilled Meat Wheels

This is genius and filled with meaty, tasty goodness.

Have you tried Meat Wheels?

This was a new one for me, but looks oh so delicious.

These grilled Meat Wheels contain bacon (yum), flank steaks, white onion and herbs and spices.

Can you think of anything more enticing? I can just imagine what that smells like sizzling on the grill. Holy cow.

Click here for full instructions and the recipe for these beautiful AND tasty treats.

It doesn’t get much better than Meat Wheels, my friends!

Photo courtesy of Instructables.com.

April 4th, 2012

Yes, A Bacon Coffin

So if you’ve been following what’s going on in bacon news (and I know that you do), you’ve no doubt seen the new bacon coffin on the market from J & D’s.

If not, you’re in for a treat! The above beauty can be all yours for a mere $3,000 and you can be assured that you will rest in heavenly bacon glory for all eternity. Amen.

There’s even a Facebook page dedicated to bacon coffins.

Could this possibly be a case of taking things too far?

Like going to a job interview decked out in Lakers gear? Or painting your house Boise State colors? Or naming your kid “DIRECTV” so you’ll be sure to get free satellite service forever?

I mean, my family can attest to the fact that I LOVE BACON. Just come over on Sunday morning and see if YOU get the last piece. Hint:  It’s mine.

But there is a limit. And I think spending the afterlife in a bacon-themed casket goes well beyond it.

What do you think? Do you love it? Do you hate it? Do you think people should get a life and let people have their fun?

I wanna know!

Photo courtesy of JDFoods.net.

February 22nd, 2012

Bacon Love

If you watch TV, you’ve probably seen those “Marry Bacon” commercials for Jack in the Box.

The first time I saw one, I almost fell out of my chair with laughter. I DO love bacon. Enough to marry it? Eh.

So, they’ve set up a website, MarryBacon.com, with all sorts of silliness. But I love the idea of celebrating bacon.

Every time I eat it I do a little dance.

You’ll find lots of fun bacon-related stuff there – including a Tumblr page, which is where the little artistic goodie above came from. Fun stuff.

And when you’re in the mood for bacon – but not in the mood for Jack in the Box – get your bacon here. It’s where I get mine and it’s to die for. Or marry. Whichever.

Have fun!

Photo courtesy of NealLovesBacon.tumblr.com.
