March 12th, 2013

Steak Tie Sandwich

This work of art is a sandwich with grilled steak, Swiss and cheddar cheeses and fried onions.

Who says food has to just look like . . . food?

I love when people use their creativity for the good of all mankind. This is something that should be shared with everyone! It’s good enough to eat!

And, yes, it’s okay to play with your food!

Photo courtesy of

December 1st, 2011

Steak Ink

Source: via Sammie on Pinterest

Whether you’re into tattoos or not – THIS is pretty cool.

Maybe it’s because it’s steak.

Or maybe it’s because it’s a brave statement about a person’s love for steak. . . they love it so much they want the world to know!

Now THAT I can relate to.

What do you think of this steak art?

By the way, I found this on Pinterest.  If you haven’t visited that site, you MUST. There’s something for everyone!

May 13th, 2011

Vroom Vroom Steak

For those of you who love fast cars and faster steak, I give you this . . .

Nothing like mixing two loves. This, however, is a bit bizarre. Even for me.

Art is in the eye of the beholder – or is that beauty? Anyway, if it speaks to you, it’s done its job.

As a steak lover, does this speak to you? And if so, what exactly does it say???

Photo courtesy of
