March 4th, 2008

Steak Au Yum

I’m continuing with the “I don’t want to go outside to grill so how can I stay inside and have steak?” theme today.

I’m looking out my window again and there are three inches of snow piled up on my lawn. That’s enough to keep even the most dedicated grillers inside.

So, here’s an incredible recipe for Steak Au Poivre that can be found over at

This is an all-time favorite of serious steak lovers. It’s all done inside the house on your stovetop. Hooray! And it calls for strips like these. But if you prefer filets, go for it!

You’ll find the recipe here. And don’t forget to check out the comments section there to see what other people thought when they tried the recipe. It’s always nice to know that a recipe is not just for chefs. Real families make this one — and they don’t even have to go to France to train!

Bon Appetit!

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