March 7th, 2016

Easter Egg Recipes (Or What To Do With All Those Hardboiled Eggs)

Easter is almost upon us! And to me, that means the sun starts to shine brighter, spring is approaching and all is right with the world.

Seriously, when I can dig out from underneath the cold and snow I am a much happier person. And Easter is the beginning of that. I am so excited!

I might not be able to pull out my beach attire and flip flops just yet, but Easter lets me know those days are right around the corner. Hallelujah!

Every holiday to me is about food. I can’t help it. And Easter traditionally is the time for hardboiled eggs. It’s just a fact. But sometimes we can have an abundance of them and we’ve got to get creative in order to not waste any.

So, what to do?

Easter Egg Recipes

Well, make them a part of your Easter dinner for starters. There are so many ham recipes that include hardboiled eggs. Whip up a delicious egg salad with chunks of delicious ham in it. Customize the salad however you like. But those hardboiled eggs make it extra special.

Serve a spiral ham for your main entrée for Easter dinner and serve that salad to go along with it. Delicious!

Use those hardboiled eggs as appetizers before your ham dinner. People flock to them! Get fancy. Use spices. Make them YOUR special appetizer.

Take advantage of this holiday time where the all-important hardboiled egg is a superstar. It doesn’t get much play at any other time of year – so really give it its due with delicious Easter egg recipes!

Part of the beauty of a well-designed meal is its visual appeal, too. Hardboiled eggs really deliver in this category. The sleek white in contrast with the bold yellow makes for an absolutely beautiful display. And that adds enjoyment to any meal!

Enjoy this eggstravaganza!

March 4th, 2016

Fish Friday – Seafood Feast Feature

Do you observe Fish Fridays? It’s that time of year when, for some of us, we must not eat meat on Fridays for religious reasons. That just means your steaks or surf and turf will have to wait for another day. And that’s okay. You can do it. I know it.

Okay, I can do it. I know it.

This Fish Friday, if you’re observing, why not try something new? There’s no rule that says Fish Fridays have to be boring. That would be sad. But no, it’s quite the contrary! Want something yummy and satisfying? Taste this amazing Seafood Feast! It’s definitely different than your typical fish fillet. You don’t have to eat just a plain piece of salmon – although you can if you want to!

Seafood Feast

This amazing Seafood Feast really is a feast. It contains four Maine lobster tails, 16 shrimp, 16 clams, 16 mussels, eight scallops, four half-size corn cobs and 20 baby potatoes drenched in herbed lemon butter sauce.

It’s a regular smorgasbord of seafood flavors, textures, colors and more. And it’s got side dishes built right in. How thoughtful! It’s flavored for you, packaged for you and ready to go. And oh, man, it’s so delicious!

This seafood bake is really, truly incredible. And incredibly easy to prepare. You simply place the foil package containing all the ingredients in the oven or on the grill and when you cut the bag open it’s so steamy and the aroma will be absolutely mouth-watering.

And that’s good because, well, you can eat it.

Sound good? I thought so. And even if you don’t officially observe Fish Fridays, you can still enjoy this delicious meal – any day you want!

So what will you be preparing for upcoming Fish Fridays? Put this Seafood Feast in the rotation and everyone will be cheering!

February 29th, 2016

29 Steak Enthusiast Ways to Celebrate Leap Year

Ways to Celebrate Leap Year

This year is Leap Year! It’s fun to have an extra day in February. It’s like getting a bonus day in your life.

So what will you do with that extra day? I’ve got some thoughts. Allow me to present some ways to celebrate this special year – Steak Enthusiast style.

  1. Expand your horizons and try new cuts of steak. Ever tried a Porterhouse? You have an extra day to do so!
  2. Try some steak recipes you’ve never cooked before. Go wild!
  3. Still snowing where you live? Grill some steaks in the snow!
  4. Buy some new dinnerware. It livens up your table.
  5. Pretend it’s a summer cookout – even if it’s 25 degrees out. Wear a straw hat and shorts. Make some fruity drinks. You can stay inside, just dress the part!
  6. Invite the neighbors over.
  7. Invite someone new, too.
  8. Don’t want to wear a straw hat? Get out the nice china.
  9. Eat on kids’ plates. Mickey Mouse, Power Rangers, whatever makes it fun!
  10. Discuss what everyone in your family will do with an extra day.
  11. Research Leap Year and educate your family about its origins, etc.
  12. Make the kids research Leap Year and educate you.
  13. Celebrate with a frog theme – you know, leap!
  14. Go wild with a side dish you normally wouldn’t serve.
  15. Have the kids cook this time.
  16. Try to eat your steaks with chopsticks.
  17. Cook your steaks differently this time. Normally eat it medium well? Try medium rare.
  18. Add a new sauce to your steak.
  19. Try a new marinade.
  20. Ever used a rub? Now’s the time!
  21. Eat your steak with your hands – very, very Paleo.
  22. Sit in a seat at the dinner table that’s NOT your regular seat.
  23. Talk over dinner about how your New Year’s resolutions are going.
  24. Document your meal for your scrapbook or Pinterest.
  25. Turn off all electronics and really connect. It’s Leap Day!
  26. Make a special dessert.
  27. Tell your kids one thing they don’t know about you.
  28. Ask your kids to share one thing you don’t know.
  29. Relax the rules and just have fun!
