June 28th, 2013

Natural Born Griller

Is this little guy you?

I saw him in the supermarket (note the price tag) and actually thought about my husband. He’s got the grill thing down.

So what are you grilling this weekend? Hotdogs? Burgers? Steaks?

We’ve got a whole summer ahead of us to enjoy grilling weather. Check out some of these yummy grilling essentials – especially for your 4th of July celebration.

We should all whoop it up right! And Independence Day is just around the corner!

June 26th, 2013

Put This Meatball On Your Bucket List

It’s being touted as the “Giant Meatball You Must Try Before You Die.”

Well, that sounds promising. I’m in!

It’s a one-pound meatball made with high-quality ground beef, onion, garlic, spices, cheeses and more. Music to your ears? Mine, too!

You can read all about this beautiful ball of meat here and get the full recipe to try out at home. If you go on this adventure in the kitchen, be sure and make a few because you just might eat an entire meatball yourself. I personally have been known to do that. Share the love!

Photo courtesy of LAVO New York via FoxNews.com.

June 24th, 2013

Do Alligators Eat Burgers?

Never thought you had anything in common with an alligator?

Well, here’s photographic evidence that you do.

Now you’ll have something to talk about at parties!

A group of revelers in Florida were minding their own business, having a burger picnic by the water, when they spied a hungry-looking gator swimming toward them.

As any sane person would do, they jumped out of the way – and grabbed their camera. Cuz that would be my first thought. Where’s my camera?

You can check out the whole story, plus more photos of the scary experience here.

Anyway, alligators apparently like burgers just as much as you and I do. So there. There’s your answer to the age-old question:  Do alligators eat burgers?

Yes. Yes, they do!

Photo courtesy of Rodney Cammauf/Caters News via DailyMail.co.uk.
